Free to use (CC0) Woman in Blue and White Basketball Jersey Holding Brown Basketball | Pixabay
Free to use (CC0) Woman in Blue and White Basketball Jersey Holding Brown Basketball | Pixabay
Samantha Masih is a valued member of the varsitygirls’ basketball team. She is always vocal inpractices and games which is integral to oursuccess as a program.
Sam works hard on and off the court. She is anengineering student currently earningher associates degree at SCCC. She has also been namedthe Sussex Tech’s Pass It Along Scholar Athlete.
Sam is a natural leader with a strong workethic. Her commitment to all sports, activities, andclubs is unmatched. Sam is also a great teammatewith admirable qualities; she encourages others toplay to their potential and consistently brings apositive attitude. The varsity program will miss hernext season but we are looking forward to seeingwhat she will accomplish!
Original source can be found here.