
NW Jersey News

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How much in taxpayer-funded subsidies did farmers in Hunterdon County receive in 2021?

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Farms in Hunterdon County received $811,203 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Of the 184 subsidies provided, the largest was for Phillips Farms, LLC, which received $125,000 for the claim of "Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program".

The smallest subsidy provided to a Hunterdon County farmer was $1 to Scott T. Gordley.

There were 206 fewer subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $1,561,732.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Subsidies Received by Hunterdon County Code Farmers in 2021
Farmer$ ReceivedReason for SubsidyTotal Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($)
Phillips Farms, LLC$125,000Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$337,746
Phillips Farms, LLC$104,900Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$337,746
Phillips Farms, LLC$83,920Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$337,746
Clucas Farms, LLC$66,643Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$66,691
Bee Flower and Sun Honey, LLC$42,158Emergency Assist Livestock Bees Fish (ELAP) Program$42,158
Phillips Farms, LLC$20,980Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$337,746
Fulper Farms, LLC$20,914Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$98,239
David S. Slack$14,432Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$15,081
William D. Wagner$12,078Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$13,149
John A. Vinciguerra$11,549Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,248
Scott Hender$10,207Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$12,449
John Digeronimo$10,206Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$10,206
Fulper Farms, LLC$9,877Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
William S. Martin$9,671Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,075
Delaware Valley Farms, LLC$9,444Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$9,783
Fulper Farms, LLC$8,877Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
John A. Vinciguerra$8,699Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,248
Thomas J. Zeng$8,646Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$8,729
Fulper Farms, LLC$7,622Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$7,576Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$7,065Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Jeffrey B. Bowlby$6,387Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$6,424
Thomas D Grochowicz$6,251Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$6,853
Fulper Farms, LLC$6,065Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$5,972Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$5,949Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Paul R. Dippery$5,945Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$5,945
William S. Martin$5,595Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,075
Fulper Farms, LLC$5,484Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$5,089Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
William A. Bowlby$5,018Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$5,018
Pamela G Nannas$4,250Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$4,250
Richard Denbigh$3,990Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$3,990
Lauber Brothers, LLC$3,895Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$5,285
Bryan Sutton$3,741Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Deer Run Farm, Inc.$3,590Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$3,654
Agri Management$3,582Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,582
Bryan Sutton$3,362Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
William S. Martin$3,323Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,075
Phillips Farms, LLC$2,946Web-Based NAP $337,746
Bryan Sutton$2,887Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Bryan Sutton$2,869Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
George Perehinys$2,797Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,797
Zeng Bros, LLC$2,745Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$3,305
Gregory Altvater$2,718Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,818
Fred C. van Doren$2,711Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,210
Bryan Sutton$2,676Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$2,454Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Robert G Michisk$2,328Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,348
Bryan Sutton$2,297Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Fulper Farms, LLC$2,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Bryan Sutton$2,262Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Bryan Sutton$2,253Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$2,206Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Peterson Farm$2,178Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,359
END of the Lane Farm, LLC$2,087Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$2,087
Bryan Sutton$2,077Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Justin Wilk$2,062Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,062
Bryan Sutton$1,928Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,901Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Refuge at Buzzard Creek, LLC$1,898Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$3,180
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,894Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,883Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Scott Hender$1,877Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Fulper Farms, LLC$1,859Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$98,239
Melanie E. Gray$1,826Price Loss Coverage Program$2,566
Scott T. Gordley$1,767Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,213
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,755Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Vernon Johnson$1,723Price Loss Coverage Program$1,723
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,708Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Fulper Farms, LLC$1,696Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$1,670Dairy Margin Coverage Program$98,239
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,507Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
William S. Martin$1,486Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$20,075
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,484Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,478Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,467Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,458Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,363Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,360Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Kachine Dixon$1,307Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,307
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$1,265Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Lauber Brothers, LLC$1,260Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$5,285
Hoffman Farm, LLC$1,246Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,496
Jamie M. Morgan$1,235Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,235
Barbara Rattigan$1,205Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,205
Frederick A. Hegarty$1,195Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,195
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree Farm, LLC$1,167Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,167
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,167Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,149Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,145Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Julia C. Allen$1,144Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,144
Ronald Bumb$1,067Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$1,169
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$1,055Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
William D. Wagner$1,051Agricultural Risk Coverage Program - County$13,149
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$979Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Ronald Kappus$918Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$918
Cervenka Farm, LLC$857Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$857
Dale Walker Jr.$818Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$898
Brian Smith$798Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$798
Anthony V. Szumski$790Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$790
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$781Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$14,498
Melanie E. Gray$740Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,566
Katherine L. Stone$713Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$713
Refuge at Buzzard Creek, LLC$687Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$3,180
David S. Slack$649Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$15,081
Bryan Sutton$643Dairy Margin Coverage Program$26,994
Duane Butherus$606Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$877
Refuge at Buzzard Creek, LLC$595Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$3,180
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$565Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Zeng Bros, LLC$560Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,305
B & B Livestock Farm, LLC$559Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$559
Francis J. Daley Jr.$541Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$541
John M. Bonham Jr.$453Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$453
Fred C. van Doren$446Price Loss Coverage Program$3,210
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$422Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Sugar Maple Jerseys, LLC$415Dairy Margin Coverage Program$18,690
Michael C. Allen$400Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$400
Elmer a Gombosi Farm$356Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$493
Stanley Gilliland$336Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$521
Delaware Valley Farms, LLC$335Price Loss Coverage Program$9,783
Holland Valley Farm, LLC$326Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,498
Scott T. Gordley$299Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,213
Hemlock Crest Farms, LLC$299Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$326
Lindaberry Farms, LLC$298Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$298
Thomas D Grochowicz$281Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$6,853
Duane Butherus$271Price Loss Coverage Program$877
Franklin R. Dippery$255Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$255
Hoffman Farm, LLC$250Price Loss Coverage Program$1,496
Cynthia A. Cullinane$250Grasslands Reserve Program$250
Andrea L. Smith$221Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$221
Clifford Family Farm, LLC$205Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Crops Program$205
Thomas D Grochowicz$186Price Loss Coverage Program$6,853
Stanley Gilliland$185Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$521
Scott Hender$155Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Scott T. Gordley$146Price Loss Coverage Program$2,213
Elmer a Gombosi Farm$137Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$493
Peterson Farm$128Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,359
Fulper Farms, LLC$128Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$98,239
Fulper Farms, LLC$112Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$98,239
Ronald Bumb$102Price Loss Coverage Program$1,169
Lauber Brothers, LLC$100Price Loss Coverage Program$5,285
Eric G. Turnquist$98Price Loss Coverage Program$98
William M. Kiriluk$97Price Loss Coverage Program$97
Gregory Altvater$85Price Loss Coverage Program$2,818
Thomas J. Zeng$83Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$8,729
Thomas Michalenko$74Price Loss Coverage Program$105
Thomas D Grochowicz$70Price Loss Coverage Program$6,853
Raymond L. Fisher$69Pandemic Livestock Indemnity Program$69
Thomas D Grochowicz$66Price Loss Coverage Program$6,853
Deer Run Farm, Inc.$64Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$3,654
William Trarbach$62Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$74
Peterson Farm$54Price Loss Coverage Program$2,359
Scott Hender$50Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Fred C. van Doren$48Price Loss Coverage Program$3,210
Dale Walker Jr.$44Price Loss Coverage Program$898
Joseph A. Ruggieri$44Price Loss Coverage Program$44
Scott Hender$42Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Scott Hender$37Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Jeffrey B. Bowlby$37Price Loss Coverage Program$6,424
Clucas Farms, LLC$36Price Loss Coverage Program$66,691
Scott Hender$35Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Thomas Michalenko$31Price Loss Coverage Program$105
Scott Hender$25Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Scott Hender$21Price Loss Coverage Program$12,449
Jon Kowal$20Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$20
Robert G Michisk$20Price Loss Coverage Program$2,348
William D. Wagner$20Price Loss Coverage Program$13,149
Dale Walker Jr.$19Price Loss Coverage Program$898
Gregory Altvater$15Price Loss Coverage Program$2,818
Hemlock Crest Farms, LLC$15Price Loss Coverage Program$326
William Trarbach$12Price Loss Coverage Program$74
Lauber Brothers, LLC$12Price Loss Coverage Program$5,285
Hemlock Crest Farms, LLC$12Price Loss Coverage Program$326
Dale Walker Jr.$10Price Loss Coverage Program$898
Lauber Brothers, LLC$10Price Loss Coverage Program$5,285
Fulper Farms, LLC$10Price Loss Coverage Program$98,239
Lauber Brothers, LLC$8Price Loss Coverage Program$5,285
Clucas Farms, LLC$7Price Loss Coverage Program$66,691
Dale Walker Jr.$7Price Loss Coverage Program$898
Clucas Farms, LLC$5Price Loss Coverage Program$66,691
Fred C. van Doren$5Price Loss Coverage Program$3,210
Delaware Valley Farms, LLC$4Price Loss Coverage Program$9,783
Scott T. Gordley$1Price Loss Coverage Program$2,213


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